Israel’s military has been using drones broadcasting cries for help by women and babies to lure and shoot Palestinians in Gaza, in a new tactic to psychologically torture the besieged Strip’s population as part of the ongoing genocide.

According to Euro-Med Human Rights Monitor, residents of Gaza’s Nuseirat Refugee Camp confirmed that they heard the sounds of women screaming and babies crying late at night on both Sunday and Monday, with the Israeli quadcopter drones then shooting at anyone who went out to check.

The tactic reportedly also included broadcasting the sounds of gunshots, explosions, movements of military vehicles and songs in Arabic and Hebrew.

According to one camp resident, a young man who requested anonymity for his safety, “We were sitting at night when we heard voices of girls and women screaming: ‘Come, help me, I am injured!’ We went out to find out what was happening. No women were found, but we were directly targeted by a quadcopter drone.”

He added that “I fled inside, and two people right in front of me were seriously injured. Because of the ongoing gunfire, we were unable to treat them, so we called an ambulance, and they arrived to transport them. Many residents heard these sounds and responded to provide help.”

The report also quoted a 60-year-old woman who heard gunfire and women’s and children’s cries of distress. “This sound continued for about 10 to 15 minutes, but none of us went outside because it was really late and I knew these were recordings from planes,” she said.


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