On March 8, International Women’s Struggle Day, let us unite against imperialist wars. Let us raise the voices and struggles of women resisting colonial and imperialist violence.
No woman will be free unless all women are free.

In Palestine, women have been resisting Zionism for 76 years, a deadly ideology supported by imperialist powers to control the region and plunder its wealth. Since the beginning of the genocide, thousands of people in Gaza have been killed by the Zionist army. Women are being bombed, starved, imprisoned, tortured, and raped. Yet, their resistance remains steadfast, and they play a fundamental role in the struggle. The European Union and Belgium are complicit in this genocide by maintaining relations with the Zionist entity and allowing military equipment to reach it.

In the Congo, thousands of women suffer the consequences of a war that benefits multinational corporations and Western powers. Murders, looting, and sexual violence are systematically widespread, aiming to steal the resources of the Congolese people. Once again, Belgium is complicit. The Belgian government purchases stolen minerals from the Congo through Rwanda, thereby funding armed groups responsible for these atrocities. We refuse to let our prosperity be built on the blood of Congolese women!

The violence against Palestinians, Congolese, and other women is interconnected; it serves the looting of land and wealth by the same imperialist powers. These struggles are inseparable and will only end with the eradication of imperialism.
Let us stand in solidarity with struggling women. Let us support their resistance. Let us demand an end to Belgian complicity. Let us strengthen the fight against multinational corporations. Let us organize to overthrow this system that oppresses women here and elsewhere.

No free homeland without the liberation of women!
No free women without national liberation!
No feminism without international solidarity!


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